Saturday, February 18, 2006

Almost Famous quotes from Vic

Vic has been called many things. Some can be repeated, others can't. Here are just a few that I can remember. Others are famous quotes.

Famous Titles

Vic the "dyslexic movie reviewer"

Vic the "Travel Expert", advise when she has never been there.

Famous Quotes

V: What part of the church building is "59 West" in?

T: My response, "you have got to be kidding me, right?"

V: Is "Cape Fear" a scary movie?

T:My response, "you have got to be kidding me, right?"

V: "Where is a good place to eat around there?" to a truck driver at Walmart....

T: My response, "you have got to be kidding me, right?"

V: “Ron has a new female-friend before the photo‚ of the last are developed.

T: My response, "you are right"

V:Shashleigh come here! Ashelby come here! who ever you are come here!

T: I think our children need name tags.

V:"The little oil light just comes on once and a while."

T:"You have got to be kidding me, right?"

Vic has never been very good with the maleness or femaleness of animals. Our current cat is a boy, and she constatly calling him a her. Also, tiki, Ron's dog goes back and forth between being a male-dog to a female-doggie.

Is this normal? Do other people do this? I'm not sure, but with Vic involved it becomes thunexplainableble Vic factor." It also makes for another "blonde thing" moment.

More to add, as I remember them!

Do you have any that you can think of? Let me know by your posts!