Saturday, September 15, 2007

Spring Hill 2007 & Vic's Fruity Ways

Vic and I have been going to Spring Hill for many years. (10?) We actually went here before we were married on a singles retreat from her church.

Things that I remember about Spring Hill:
  • Pine needles on my car
  • Sunday Night Live
  • Duck Tape Man
  • a light dusting of dirt on my car after the weekend.
  • The smell of campfires.
  • The yells of little kids who are excited about an activity.
  • The cool nights, and the cold floors inside the cabin.
  • Moms and Dads rushing to get as much as possible before the weekend ends.
  • Campfire stories about the fun things that are going on in people's lives.

We now even have a Vic story night (around the campfire) where I get to update everyone on new stuff that has been going on.

The trip to Spring Hill started out well. Vic picked me up a work and we were on our way. I was tipped off about road construction on US131, so we tracked a different route. Vic has always loved to eat in the car. Her favorite food is fruit. This time she was driving, and I was the navigator. When I tell this story, I have to be very specific about whom was were.

She decide to discard the fruit out the window, so the little animals and birdies can have something to snack on. She fully rolled down the window and chucked the core out.

She totally missed and the core ended up in the back seat. Keep in mind that she had the window all the way down, and she was not throwing the core across the car, it was right next to her seat!

This reminded me of "Planes, Trains, Automobiles" move were John Candy does the same thing with a cigarette, and starts the car on fire! Thank goodness she doesn't smoke or we would go through many car interiors.

I said a stupid comment, and we both ended up laughing about it all weekend.

Great time was had by all at Spring Hill, and we seem to continue this tradition, even though I fight it with excuses of allergies, and stuff. Daine and I played Battlefield, so I was cool.