Saturday, January 16, 2010

Food, Wine Walk, Whine, Food

Vic and food.  Many stories, and so little time.  This is a four part story so please don't get discouraged by the length.

Food:  Our church has always been globally aware of the needs for Christ around the world for many years.  I have always felt we were lacking on the push to reach out to our community and local for some time.  Our church as changed this direction and really started to focus on local needs.  The way we are doing this is by showing the love of Christ through a Food Truck.  We feed about 40-80 families on a monthly basis, and the food is distributed.  Our job (Vic and I) is to orderly take numbers from the guests, and get them food through a very good distribution method called a food line.  The truck pulls up, and we distribute the food till its all gone.  This time, I dressed for the low 20's weather, and of course Vic didn't.  I think this goes back to the days she was in Texas, where they never wore shoes, socks or winter coats!  She has been very consistent with this through the years, so I think it must be genetic in the Smith family.?

Wine Walk:  This blond moment goes to the city of Grand Haven, MI, or the organizers of the event.  What a great idea, walk downtown vendors stores, (who have sales on items), sip wine, eat cheese, and look at local artisans works in the stores.  Great idea, I'm freezing going from store to store to shop at stores that honestly I didn't know existed, or could care less if I ever visited in the next 10 years. ( I had pealed off my winter stuff to go downtown, so I was cold, and now hungry).

Whine: After the first store had no wine but water I thought nothing of the event being abnormal.  The second store was the same.  Cool crackers with cool cheese, but no wine.  They had fake imitation wine, called wine juice.?  Well someone had forgot to let the Michigan Liquor Control board know what was going on, and there is a reason you need to get a liquor license!  Yes the retail stores were trying to sell wine without a license!  All they could do was say sorry, and we could not give you any wine.  I think the wine people were bummed out by this (big draw, low turnout), and maybe they should have changed the walk to a cheese walk or cracker walk?  Not as ketchy unless your in Wisconsin?

Food:  We have good friends at Church, and do thinks together.  Ron and Sue are also in our small group.  I consider them "super couple" for there backgrounds and how nice they are to everyone.  Ron shares some common interests with me, (a little introverted, extroverted when we have to be, sick sense of humor along with great sarcasm , and a blond wife).  After we decide to ditch the whine walk, we went to Kirby Grill to get some eats.  I was hungery, and everyone else was so, so.  We had a great meal and decided to leave.  Vic as usual with either leave something at the table, or have to go to the bathroom before we leave.  However, this time she remembed all her stuff and Sue forgot her gloves at the table.  Ron, Vic (wearing Sues gloves) and I waited this time for Sue to use the little ladies room.  As we waited, Vic as ususal sees other friends and runs to them to say high.  Sue, Ron, and I start to leave and are outside looking in as Vic says high to another couple through the glass windows.

This event happens fast, but as Vic is walking out to get us, a Waitress runs out with a box just the same as Vic's.  Sue, thinking that that the box is Vic's, grabs it from the waitress and say "I know who's this is!".  The timing is great, Ron and I are watching Sue grab the box, The waitress is thankful, because the wind was cold and she was happy to get back inside.  Vic comes out, with her box and now Sue and Vic have the same box!

We laughed, because someone left without food, we had extra, and I had another blond moment that unfolded right in front of me, and It really wasn't Vic.  I guess we all have Blond moments, and this one was very funny and not Vic.

I think she must have some secret  powers that causes other to do blond things when she is around.  Very mysterious, could be alien, genetic, or just life.  I think they have got an app for that! (random but I wanted to put this in to lead up to my next post (Andorid)