Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Computer Whisperer

Ron "the one" is our number one. He has been around computers his whole live, and uses them when he as to. He have never been up on cutting edge technology, even though he knows how to use them, and is more of a minimalist. (pictures, mp3, internet).

I got a call from him this week and this is how it went....

Ron: My computer will not start, I have this blue screen with some dumb notes that I don't understand.

You have the blue screen of death?

Ron: What does that mean?

Its not good.

Ron: Crap!

Do you have a disk in any of the drives (Warning this gets a little geeky)
Ron: Yes, I have a Jimmy Buffet disk in the Cd-drive.

That's the problem, Jimmy Buffet and Computers don't mix.

Ron: What?
Me: I can't see what's going on so can you send me a picture with your cell phone.

Ron: OK, (later) crap the phone is dead, can't send a picture...
Me: I don't know what else to do other than take it somewhere. I think your hard drive is failing, and you're screwed.

Ron: Crap, I have pictures and music on there I need off.
Me: Did you back it up?

Ron: Whats that? No
Me: Crap
Me: Is the hard drive making any noise.

Ron: Its making a clicking noise
Me: OK

Ron: Here listen to it over the phone, I will put the cell phone up to the computer so you can listen.
Me: (Thinking this is not good).

I'm telling this story to Daine and Nate M. on the golf course on Saturday, and they just are rolling, when
 Nate says: "Did he think you were like a Computer Whisperer and you could whisper  it back to health?  Like the Horse Whisperer?"

I know of no computer that will listen to me.

Becky said Daine just beats on the hard drive till it works. ( I don't recommend this even though it works sometimes)

Computers are like Cats, they just sit there, and then do what they want to. Funny thing, I saw a bumper sticker that said this:

"Dogs answer when you call, Cats just have answering machines."

Well, Ron's computer got fixed, he learned that you need to backup your computer, and I learned that I'm not a Computer Whisperer, more like a Computer Screamer!

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