Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All Dogs Goto Heaven or Dogs have Blond Moments

Daisy the wonder dog.  Ron and Becca have always been dog people.  I was as a kid on the farm, but left the dogie pooh and the smelly dogs behind when I became domesticated in the burbs.  Vic always had a dog when she was growing up, but some how we never were very interested in doggy heaven and companionship.  We on the other hand have an evil cat.  I have never like cats, as everyone knows, and as a kid I had my fun days torturing the farm cats, in my mind they were expendable.  Every time we would go back to the "Farm", I would drive up, and the cats would run out.  Vic would always say, "slow down you might hit one!"  I say, if the know any better, they will get out of the way or "Die".  They always seemed to get out of the way, even though I did on occasion try to hit them.  They are like the birds on the road, that always seem to get out of the way at the very last moment before you zoom by them. (Rats).

Poor Daisy. Becca had this little spit fire from a pup.  I think she loved this dog before she fell in love with Ron.  I never have seen a dog with so much energy.  I'm tired even thinking about the stuff this dog does.  In the fall when she came over, she would bark and chase leaves.  Poor Frostbite (Our cat) was permanently on the perch till the "Evil Dogs" left for the weekend.  Ron and Becca have a big screen TV in their living room, and the goofy dog would bark and jump at any animal that was on TV.  This breed has little fear, and can shake a toy at very high velocity to break its neck. (in the breeding).  It thinks it's a rottweiler in its own mind.

One day this year earlier this year, Daisy took ill.  R and B didn't know what was wrong, and Daisy stomach was very hard.  Unfortunately, Daisy lost her sight.  Sight for any animal would be a sad situation.  This dog took it in stride without missing a beat.  The only funny thing was when she came to our house, she would run into every wall, and bump her head.  She would reverse, and start all over again.  This went on all day, and then she started picking up and eating food crumbs around our house.   From then on she was called the :

Dogie Roomba

All kidding aside, I think the dog has made adjustments well. but daisy reminds me of a floor cleaner!

Animals do have blond moments, and daisy has had her share.

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