Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Daughter the Ninja

Oh Ashleigh, my Ashleigh.  She has always been the one who looks at the world inside out.  I've had some very interesting conversations with her regarding what she believes, and what is funny to her.  I've always thought that I had a pretty good sense of humor, even though sarcastic and very dry, dryer that a desert dry.

I go on face book today and my daughter is planning the following:

Slow Motion Ninja Fight.....  Click link for details.  She also has the following graphic on how to make a shirt into a Ninja head dress.

All I can do is shake my head and say, "that's my Ash!".

The other night is was talking to her about if our house has an escape plan.  I go, "for what, fire?".

No, Ash said, you need a "Zombie escape plan."

Enough said, I love my Ash, and Vic well, half of her is in this girl.

I can't say Vic was ever a Ninja? Or was she (humm)?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does Ash think that I should have a zombie escape too or maybe just keep it for company gma little