Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vic by the Numbers

Vic has always been a numbers person.  She has always been very good with the management of the family income.  I've always let her that the responsibility of paying the bills, and we have some very interesting times when we either didn't have enough money to pay our bills, or she might just slip a little and forget to pay the bills.  The only time Tommy will notice is when either the power goes off, or the cable internet stops working.  Its always been funny to watch her when the internet is down, because the first thing she thinks, "Did I pay the bill, or did I forget this month?"

Well, I discovered a great little web site that will gather all your financial information and pool it into one site.  Its great and its called mint.(its free).  It does budgets and stuff.  Good stuff for us.  I got to learn things that I never knew before about where money is being spent at our house.

Video rentals has been an ongoing joke with many of your friends.  I signed up with netflix and that didn't work very well for Vic.  She has always been a Brick and Mortar type person.  (she wants to touch, feel and see the store she rents videos from).  Family Video in Grand Haven has always been her choice for video rental.  A $2.50 rental at FV is much better than a $5.00 dollar rental at Blockbuster.  Well the numbers just didn't seem to add up on mint.

Vic by the numbers....

(120) dollars spent from the end of June through the middle of September on video rentals at FV.
(14) dollars spent from the same period per month at Blockbuster to get 1 video + 5 in store drop offs.
(78) dollars that we could have saved by going to blockbuster.
(1) husband that caught her red handed and all she could say was "busted!"

She blamed it on the "desperate housewives series" that she now is all caught up on over the summer.  I think the killer was the late fees between daughter Shelby and Vicki that caught up with them.  She as trying to be sneaky writing checks and using the debit card.  believe me, I had to dig to prove the point. (It could have been more if she paid cash, I don't know, and Vic don't get any ideas!)

With Vic, sometimes 1 + 1 doesn't equal 2, but by these numbers, she was busted!

PS: we now have blockbuster, and she is still fighting me on the video stuff....

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